• About Us

    About Us

Part of Trelleborg Group

Trelleborg is a global leader in engineered polymer solutions, specializing in protecting critical applications in demanding environments.With decades of experience, Trelleborg delivers advanced engineered components, including both new and replacement units, tailored to meet the unique needs of its customers. Learn more here 


About Magee Plastics

For five decades, customers in the airline, rail and other industries have come to depend on the quality, value, responsiveness, and expert service provided by Magee for their refurbishment and replacement units.

Magee has earned its reputation as a premier manufacturing company. It offers customers proven strengths in custom engineering and certification, serving the OEM and refurbishment markets through top-quality components and interior products made from thermoplastics and composites. Magee also represents excellence in the design and production of components with an emphasis on unparalleled customer service.

The professional staff at Magee has extensive experience providing custom-engineered solutions for specialized customer needs. Working collaboratively with customers to first understand the specific requirements of the component in question, the Magee team performs detailed engineering and design and manufactures the component to meet the customer's specifications and, most important, to ensure that the unit functions flawlessly upon installation.

From its earliest days, Magee has drawn on the proven experience of experts in engineering, production, sales and marketing, and customer service to become what has been recognized as a premier provider of quality engineered new components and replacement units serving a variety of industries. The people of Magee today continue to rely on that experience while building for the future, by continuously collaborating with clients to innovate new applications of thermoplastic and composite components. At Magee, yesterday's experience leads to tomorrow's competitive advantage for its customers.